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​Scheduling Dashboard

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Project type:

Work Project


3 Weeks


Team Work




The Challenge

HMW identify problem in appointment capacity + team performance in a short amount of time?

This project was inspired by a work project. The Employee Appointment data was based on an appointment scheduling system, that uses for appointment creation, update, and cancellation. The dashboard needs to provide insights on employee availability and efficiency on a high level and increase data visibility across all organizational levels.

The Team


The Data

1M +

Line of Data

200 +


5 +


Identify Users

User Persona.png

User Research


Stakeholder Interview

I had regular meetings and conducted interviews with our clients and stakeholders to learn about their work routines, technical levels, and needs.

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Dataset Analysis

I analyze the sample data from data types, to determine potential charts and features we can bring into.

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Research Insight

Finding & Implications

Users have busy schedules, find it hard to identify actionable items, and want to find a pattern at-a-glance

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User Flow Design

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Key Design Decision


Breakout Chart

The Breakout Chart allow users to not only compare the value between individual but more importantly, find potential reason of anomaly.

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Calendar View

The Calendar View is designed to illustrate the future and past capacity on monthly basis via a heatmap.
Users can filter by regions, teams, appointment types, etc. Clicking on or multi-select the days would filter the entire dashboard to selected days.


Exportable Table

A request keep brought up in the stakeholders meeting that clients want the ability to export the data based on the filter result for further inspection and report purpose.

Action Filters

By selecting and filtering anything on the charts would filter the whole dashboard to the selected group.


Final Prototype

Key Page Design

Home Page

Results & Testimonial

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Adoption Rate

With the delivery of the scheduling dashboard, approximately 20% of new users use this product.


Revenue Generation

The dashboard will add as part o the analytics bundle and generate significant revenue in the future.


Task Efficiency

Customers can more easily find the information they want compared to the old data worksheet.


Positive Feedback

The product received 80% of positive feedback from customers and will continue to iterate based on the feedback.

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